Tag Archives: LAX

At first, taking a private car service from LAX to Disneyland might seem unnecessary. Aren’t there other ways to get to the park without having to hire a private car service? There are, of course, but if you look a little closer, you’ll find that this is actually the best way to make the trip. This article will look at some of the many advantages that are enjoyed when you book with us as opposed to taking another mode of transportation.

It Starts with Our Drivers

A private car service from LAX to Disneyland is only going to live up to your expectations if you have a professional, experienced, and friendly driver. Fortunately, we have plenty of those here at Anaheim Town Car Services, so you will be in for a great experience each time you book with us.

Driving for a car service is about more than just operating a vehicle safely, although that’s certainly an important starting point. This is a job that is all about customer service, and we place service as our highest priority when picking up each new passenger. We want you to leave this experience feeling as though you were treated properly and received excellent value for your money.

We Track Flights Carefully

This is an important benefit that is not offered by most other modes of transportation. When you book a ride with us, you can provide flight information that will tell us when you are supposed to arrive at LAX (or any of the other area airports that we serve). That information is great, but as we all know, flights are not always on time.

To make sure you get the best possible service, we will actively track your flight and make the necessary adjustments to our schedule to be ready to pick you up at the right time. This way, you don’t have to worry about communicating flight changes with us along the way – you can just rest assured that we are on top of it and we will be waiting when your party is ready to hop in the vehicle and finish off your day of travel.

Every Ride is Important

Here at Anaheim Town Car Services, we are proud of the business we have created and the many customers we have served. Specifically, we are particularly proud of one element of our history – in more than two decades, we have never canceled service on a client. Not once. That means everyone who has booked a service with us has gotten picked up and dropped off, as expected. Reliability is essential in this industry, and we take our job seriously.

When you book a ride with our service, you can be sure that you are going to be picked off and dropped off according to your request. Even when other circumstances have arisen over the years, we have always found a way to serve our customers, and that streak is not going to end with you. Where other transportation services can be a little unpredictable and sometimes unreliable, those are two words you’ll never associate with Anaheim Town Car Services.

Serve the Whole Family

Rideshare services have gotten tremendously popular in recent years, and they certainly can be useful in the right circumstance. They aren’t the best choice for all rides, however, as they do have some limitations. In addition to unpredictable pricing and potential service delays, you may also not find a ride that has sufficient space for your whole party.

With our private car service, you can reserve a ride specifically with the size of vehicle needed to comfortably serve your party along with your luggage. We have some larger vehicles in our fleet to be able to serve big families without everyone having to cram into tight, comfortable seating. This trip should be an enjoyable experience, and that starts with having the right type of vehicle arrive to pick you up.

With so many benefits to be enjoyed when you travel with Anaheim Town Car Services, the only thing left for you to do is to book a ride with us for the day and time that fits your plans. Thanks to our affordable rates and our history of outstanding customer service, you can be sure that our private car service from LAX to Disneyland is the best available option for this upcoming trip. We are excited to serve you!

The traffic in Southern California is famous – and not necessarily in a good way. This region does experience some of the worst traffic in the country, so it can take longer than you might expect to get from one place to another. Locals are used to this issue and know what times of day are worst for travel, but visitors are often caught off-guard by the delays.

With that in mind, we’d like to help you understand how long you can expect the trip to take from LAX to Disneyland. If you fly into Los Angeles International Airport to start your vacation, you’ll then need to get across L.A. and into Anaheim to reach the park. How long will that take? Well, it depends, but we’ll give you some guidelines below.

The Basics of the Drive

One thing that often surprises visitors to Southern California is just how big the area actually is when trying to get from one place to another. If you’ve never been here before, you might assume that all of the places you’ve heard about from a distance are gathered up near each other.

In reality, that’s the furthest thing from the truth. This is a huge metropolitan area, both in terms of size and population, and it can take a long time to get from one place to another. To that point, it’s about 33 miles from LAX to Disneyland, as LAX is near the ocean and the park is inland in Anaheim. During busy traffic conditions – which exist throughout the morning and into the late afternoon/evening during the week – it can easily take over an hour to make the drive.

Timing is Everything

Let’s say your plane lands at LAX during the middle of the day, on a weekday. By the time you get off the plane, collect your luggage, and make your way out of the airport, it’s likely that the afternoon commute will have already begun in earnest. If you are heading out to drive to Disneyland at three or four in the afternoon, you will have an uphill battle in front of you. On some days, it might even be more than two hours before you finally arrive at your destination.

Now, adjust that timing and imagine that you are getting to the airport early in the evening. Maybe your plane lands and five or six o’clock, and you then start the process of gathering up your things and heading out. In this scenario, the traffic will be starting to fade, and you might have mostly open freeways in front of you. In a best-case situation, you might spend 45 minutes or less to make the trip. That’s a big difference! If at all possible, choose flight times that are going to leave you traveling to the park when traffic is lighter, and you’ll wind up with a far more enjoyable experience as a result.

The Value of Experience

It’s important not to overlook the value that can be gained by having an experienced, professional driver on your side for this journey. Yes, it’s easy to use GPS to navigate through traffic and pick the right route, and we use that technology, as well. However, GPS only tells part of the story – specifically, it only tells the driver what is happening currently, not what is likely to happen moving forward.

For that, you’ll need a good driver who has made this journey thousands of times. Our drivers have tons of experience in L.A. traffic, and we know what to expect. We still use GPS actively to navigate each journey, but there is also a personal touch that is added to the equation to make your drive as smooth as possible. We can’t make the traffic disappear, but we can use our experience in this area to choose the right path and help you arrive at the park as soon as possible.

Aside from planning the timing of your arrival in the L.A. area carefully, there isn’t much you can do about traffic conditions in and around the city. If you are going to have to sit in some traffic, you might as well have a clean and comfortable vehicle to enjoy while making your way toward Disneyland – and that’s where Anaheim Town Car Service comes in handy. Our LAX to Disneyland car service provides reliable, relaxing transportation, even if the traffic is heavier than you would like. Book your ride with us today and we’ll take it from there!